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“Creative art activities encourage a child to make choices, explore a variety of materials, and produce unique and original art.”

The above statement is from an article I wrote—What Is Creative Art? Identifies how I would answer the question. It also reminds us of the Importance of providing art choices.

Supplies for Choices Art:

  • box or container for art supplies (See illustration.)
  • paper choices: variety of colors, sizes, and textures
  • drawing choices: chalk, colored pencils, crayons, watercolors
  • other art supplies such as scissors, stapler, tape


1. Fill the container with supplies for art activities. Place the container on a table or chair in the room.

2. Check the container often to replace and organize supplies.

Teaching Tips:

  • Call attention to the container and describe the supplies that can be used for art activities.
  • Keep the container in the same place in the art center to allow children to see it and feel free to use the art materials.
  • Encourage boys and girls to choose supplies from the container if they arrive early, are waiting to take a turn for another activity, or when they complete an activity and have time to do another activity.
  • Listen to children as they describe their choices and talk about what they are doing.
  • Think about the Bible verse “I am wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) as you accept each child’s choices. When we observe a child’s individual expression through art activities, we can see how each child is growing and learning to think in the ways God created him.

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