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A church needs to provide the best possible space for small-group Bible study. Here are some suggestions related to determining space needs.Class Specs

  • Analyze all available space. Determine the total square footage of space available that could be used by Sunday School classes and departments. 
  • Determine the square footage needed by all the Sunday School departments and classes in all age groups. 
  • Based on community changes and age-group shifts, determine whether more space is needed or whether reallocation of space is an option.
  • Determine whether multiple use of space is a possibility.
  • Evaluate whether a new building is a priority.
  • Follow church policies in acquiring any new building space.
Meeting Space Specifications Chart
Age Group Space/Person Maximum
Room Size Leader:
Learner Ratio
Babies 35 sq. ft.    12 420 sq. ft.        1:2
Ones–Twos 35 sq. ft.    12 420 sq. ft.        1:3
Threes–Pre-K 35 sq. ft.    16 560 sq. ft.        1:4
Kindergarten 35 sq. ft.    20 700 sq. ft.        1:5


Grades 1-6 20-25 sq. ft.    24 480-600 sq. ft.        1:6



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