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I hope you have already ordered your International Mission study this year.  We got ours in the mail the last week of October.  Each year we plan for our last Wednesday meeting before Christmas break to be our special Lottie Moon– International Missions focus and prayer night. 

Although our schedule for the night is not different and the teachers are the same, the kids look forward to the special things we do for this night.  We play games from the focus country and eat special food.  I often look for a Christian international student from our nearby college to come and tell us about her life in her native country.  We spend time praying for our focal missionaries and often write cards with words of encouragement we can send them.

My friend Laurelyn Sheffield, Children’s Minster to First Baptist Church, Putnam City, OK shared these terrific thoughts you might like to check out:

I received the following link from a friend who is an imb missionary. It is a great source of information regarding where our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering dollars have gone and who they helped!

Our kids are all familiar with “Flat Stanley”…well did you know that there was a “Flat Lottie” who traveled all over Asia just to see where our Christmas Offering went? Check it out!

This site was so good that I just had to share!

Thanks Laurelyn!

Finally, I loved my experience in East Asia this summer and I fell in love with these beautiful children.  I only had a glimpse of what Lottie Moon devoted her life to serving. The boy at the top of the page was in my class each day.  Here’s the team I served with this year:  

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