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A Great Idea for Group Time:Illustration for Giant Game Cube

Something new for my classroom—Yes!

I have enjoyed the Giant Game Floor Mat so much that I knew I wanted a Giant Inflatable Game Cube! This is a resource that has many possibilities for group time and can also be used at other times.

Bible skills can be featured in preparing games for using the  game cube with children.

What to Gather:

  • Giant Inflatable Game Cube, available from

LifeWay Christian Resources, $14.99

  • white card stock
  • questions for game cube:

What are the two parts of the Bible?

What is the first Old Testament book?

What is the first New Testament book?

What book is in the middle of the Bible?

What is the song about an important book?

Who does the song say gave us the Bible?


Put It Together

  1. Inflate game cube.
  2. Prepare questions for the cube pockets. (See illustration.) I used the computer to print six questions—four “landscape” and two “portrait” sizes to fit the pockets. Insert questions in the pockets.  Card stock copies are easier to insert in the pockets than regular copy paper.

Note: The song referenced in the questions is “The Most Important Book ” (Bible Teaching for Kindergarten, Fall 2006). The song says that the Bible is from God (2 Timothy 3:16).

Teaching Tips:

Toss the cube to a child. After the child catches the cube, guide him to answer a question with suggestions such as the one by your right hand, the one by your left hand, the one  on top, or one you choose.  Continue tossing the cube and listening to the children respond.








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