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Thank you to all who serve our country and those who went before us to keep us free.

Welp, we are free.  Free to have to great ideas about tellin’ kids about Jesus AND gettin’ to share’em here at Hoarder Central!  It’s summertime, so get those beach balls out for your kids this week.  There is a great idea using one!  And, preschool will have it all “sewn up” (hehehe) as they learn.  AND, hold on to your hats ya’ll, Id’a has found ya’ll somethin’ brand spankin’ new!!

This week you will find the first ever Hoarder ideas for missions and holidays!!!  Yep, I know what ya’ll are thinkin’…where does she find this stuff?!  Ya’ll!!!  I have some guhrrreat friends that just keep the ideas a’comin’!!  Seriously, sometimes I’m like, slow yourself down, girl!  But really, no slowin’ here, let’s just keep’em comin’.  Family devos are a new feature too.

You’ll get a real kick out of this week’s hoarder, so what are you waitin’ for?  Me?  OH, sorry, I’m be quiet so you can move on!  10-4 ya’ll!  Id’a

Preschool Ideas

Kid Ideas

Mission and Holiday Ideas


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