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It is often a good idea to take a step back and evaluate your ministry through the lens of welcomesomeone who is visiting your church.   Volunteers, teachers, and staff can all become focused on getting their specific tasks done or just get a little stuck in the rut of “This is how our ministry has always looked.” Taking the time to look through the eyes of a visitor often helps us to know where our ministry needs to adapt and where our ministry is exceling. Here is a brief survey of ten measurements to consider as you assess your ministry.

1. Greeters know how to lead guests to our children’s ministry area.

Great Greeters……..Need Some Help……..What Greeters?

2. The children’s ministry area is easy to find.

Yes!……..Some Signs Would Help……..Have Time for a Tour?

3. Childhood greeters are energetic and knowledgeable—enthusiastically helping children and their families find the right places to be.

Bouncing Off the Walls……..Need a Little Boost……..Power Outage

4. Children’s rooms are clean and fresh.

Sparkling……..Could Use Some TLC……..Two Words: Paint and Flooring

5. Children’s rooms are inviting and safe.

Welcome Home!……..Let’s Straighten Up……..Time to Remodel

6. Children’s teachers arrive early and are willing to stay late.

Great Attitudes……..Need Reminders……..Time for Attitude Adjustments

7. Children’s teachers actively teach children.

Always on the Move……..Need to Shape up……..What Activity?

8. Children’s teachers contact children and their families during the week.

All the Time……..Sometimes……..Other Than Sunday?

9. Our pastor and other leaders take time to be with children.

Love to Be a Part……..Occasionally……..That’s What the Children’s Director Is For

10. Our church realizes the importance of the children’s ministry.

Champions It……..Needs Occasional Reminders…..…What Children’s Ministry?

What area is your ministry exceling at? Why do you think your church is doing so well at this?

What area is your church struggling with? What are three steps that you can take to improve this area?

Which areas are in the middle of the road? How can you step it up a notch to make those areas ones that your ministry is outstanding at?

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