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Penny Cross
What you will need:
• 16 shinny pennies
• 1 mini craft stick
• 1 standard craft stick
• 12 inches of ¼ -inch ribbon
• Tacky glue
• Hot glue gun- leader use only: glue the mini craft stick to the back of the standard craft stick to form a cross.
Put it together:
1. Spread a generous layer of the tacky glue over the front of the cross.
2. Place the pennies in the glue, 7 down, and one on each side of the crossbar.
3. Glue a second layer of pennies over the first, offsetting so that each penny covers half of the penny below.
4. Glue the ribbon to the back of the cross for a hanger. (Tip: Hot glue ribbon ahead of time.)
5. Talk about how Jesus paid the price for our sins.

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