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by Angie Boydstun


For me, one of the most surprising things in ministry has been that parents are not lining up to meet the leaders and teachers who influence their children’s lives at church. As those leaders, we have to look for ways to build the partnership with parents. Some of the following ideas might help bridge the gap.


Get To Know Them
• Learn their names.
• Find out common interests and look for conversation starters.

Be With Them
• Go to local events and activities (sports, plays, etc.) and sit with them.
• Join them at the table when there are church dinners and fellowships.
• Be there when they have a ministry need.


Inform Them
• Use newsletters, social media, text messaging – whatever it takes to get the info to them about your ministry.
• Offer helpful hints about today’s culture and how it affects families.


Expect Something From Them
• Help them to create milestone markers for their family during significant times like baby dedication and baptism. Ask them to attend a seminar or class before such big events.
• Hold events that are “not just for kids.” Include a parenting class during VBS or make one Sunday a year a “Bring Your Parents” day.
• Don’t forget to find them a meaningful place of service in your ministry. We can all use room moms, photographers, and others that we don’t often think of. Ask them to be your prayer partner if they cannot be part of weekly programming even in a small way.

*Angie serves as the Preschool/ Children’s Consultant for Mississippi Baptists

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