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Great Ideas for Valentine’s Day


What’s New: Blizzard Bulletin Board

Here is a terrific idea my daughter put together for one of our classrooms.  Winter this week is snow for five days so this bulletin board idea really seems appropriate.

Click here for the instructions.

What’s True: Ideas for Valentine’s Day in Your Kid’s Ministry!

Think Pink, Special Valentine’s Day card from the Kid’s Minister each year, Don’t Break My Heart Sunday– Outreach idea, Kid’s Banquet for parent’s night out, Valentine Bingo, Valentine Activity Stations– Night of Fun, Let’s Make a Deal– Valentine Game Show, URA Winner! Valentine Card, Valentine Family Bag of Love, Building with Marshmallow Hearts and Pretzel Sticks, Stack Conversational Hearts candy race/ contest.

What to Do: Beading Hearts

This Valentine’s Day, create a bracelet to wear or beaded heart you can add to your backpack.  Make two so you can give it to a friend.

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