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I was recently in Louisiana speaking at  the Preteen Invasion, a great rally for preteens to hear the gospel and be challenged in their walk with Christ.  I was there early and had the privilege to tour the churches I was speaking at before the rally.  It was so impressive what these children’s ministers have done.mission

I collected some printed materials they produced about their children’s ministry and bragged how great this material looked. They have great signage and it was clear they were reaching kids.

When I got home, I took a look at our promotion pieces.  YUCK! Our stuff didn’t even compare.  I’m not really good with the special art programs on the computer but we have someone on staff that is.  I typed up all the information about our ministry programs and events, chose pictures we have taken through the  year and asked if they would create something awesome like the example I brought home.

They are on it!


Here is a list of other marketing ideas all of us need to revisit and update or create:


+    Announcements in church newsletters


+    Attend Deacon’s Meeting to provide information and education (those guys will talk)


+    Take home calendars each week with events and birthdays


+    Ministry flyers describing who and what.


+    Educate staff about your events so they can explain to others when asked

+    Provide list of calendar dates for the year


+    Power Point slides with pictures before the worship service begins


+    Web-page matches the printed materials for information and the same appearance

+    Cast the vision for your church and slogans to help people remember

+    Wednesday night table tents on the tables at the meal

+    Pastor support from the pulpit.  ( Be careful not to ask too often so be choosy.)

+    Prayer Team

What would you add to this list?

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Scoop the seeds out of your pumpkin and rinse them well, if you like, some seed eaters prefer leaving the goo. Blot the seeds dry with a paper towel, then toss them with a tablespoon of vegetable oil for each cup of seeds, and salt to taste, use an electric skillet or oven set at 350 degrees and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Let the seeds cool before serving. If time in the classroom is limited, roast before class and Jet the children warm them in the skillet.

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