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I often suggest seasonal activities for Sunday morning teaching plans. Including a seasonal activity does not take away from the unit plans for Bible teaching activities. Conversation about the seasons emphasizes present day experiences in a child’s life. Bible verses about the seasons remind boys and girls that that God had plans for the world He created.

Locate Bible verses that relate to the seasons:

  • Winter: God made the winter. Psalm 74:17books
  • Spring: God sends the spring rain . Jeremiah 5:24
  • Summer: God made the summer. Psalm 74:17
  • Fall: God sends the autumn (fall) rain. Jeremiah 5:24  

A seasonal emphasis can be something extra for group time or planned as one of the activities.

Seasonal books are great to use to focus on the seasons. Children enjoy seeing pictures. Books that have good pictures illustrating the seasons are resources a teacher should consider using. Review some ideas for using the books:

  • Add sticky notes to mark pages for a current season.
  • Place a Bible marker in the book to match a picture.
  • Read the book to a child, pointing to familiar words to describe pictures.
  • Encourage a child to turn the pages of the book to talk about what he sees.
  • Ask a child to tell his favorite season and what he likes to do at that time of the year.

Check the list of seasonal books to consider ones to order. The books can be ordered from or another online source. The following books have colorful pictures.

A Tree for All Seasons, Robin Bernard

Discover the Seasons, Diane Iverson

Everything Spring, Jill Esbaum

Fall, Sian Smith

The First Day of Winter, Consie Powell

Spring Song, Barbara Seuling

Spring, Sian Smith

Summer, Sian Smith

Tell Me a Season, Mary McKenna Siddals

Check your preschool resource room for seasonal books from leader packs and resource kits included with quarterly Sunday School curriculum.

Seasonal Books

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