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Making beanbags shaped like snowballs can be done with socks and “fillers”—no stitching required.


Include wintertime activities with monthly unit suggestions. Seasonal activities provide opportunities to talk about God and say God gives us things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17).


Supplies for Snowball Beanbags:


Beanbag 1:

  • white knee-high hose
  • filler—white batting (used for making pillows)
  • scissors

Beanbag 2:

  • white child-size socks (tube style)
  • filler—“poly-pellets”* (craft stuffing material) or small aquarium gravel




Beanbag 1:

1. Stretch the hose enough to insert the batting.

2. Cut the batting in pieces to stuff inside the hose.

3. Shape the stuffed hose into a ball and tie a knot at the top of the ball. Pull

the top of the sock over the ball.

Beanbag 2:

1. Use a white child-size sock. (My favorite source is Dollar Tree®.)

2. Use a filler to fill the sock and “shape” into a ball.

3. Tie a knot in the sock at the top of the ball. A few stitches may be

added to secure the knot.


Teaching Tips:

  • Toss a beanbag to a child and ask the child to name something he likes to

do in the wintertime.

  • Remind children that God planned for winter. Read the Bible verse God

made the winter (Psalm 74:17).



*Note about “poly-pellets”: This item can be purchased in bags at craft stores

such as Michael’s. The filler is usually with the doll-making supplies.


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