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What you will need:turkey shoot

  • A “Turkey” hat (one per team)
  • One pair of 3X or 4X sweat pants (one per team)
  • 50 or more paper wads (one per team)
  • Basket (one per team)
  • Timer

Put it together:

  1. Determine which leader or child will wear the “turkey” outfit for each team.
  2. Line the turkeys up about 3’ in front of their line of teammates.
  3. Place a basket of paper wads at the front of each line.
  4. Each team member tosses two paper wads (one at a time) at the turkey.
  5. The turkey holds out the waistband of their pants trying to catch the paper wads within a designated area. As the turkey catches the wads, the team should be saying books of the Bible. Set a time limit and see how far each team can get with the Books of the Bible.
  6. Change out the “turkey” and play again.


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