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Boys and girls get to know each other better as they ask different classmates to sign their BINGO card and name something they love or love to do.


  • Make your own heart shaped bingo cards with squares for each child to sign their name.
  • Red Hots or a small Heart-shaped candy for markers
  • Valentine bag to hold “call” cards with every person’s name


  • Make copies of your Heart Bingo Cards or cards using a Valentine, February, or Candy Bar theme.  Write the names of all the children on pieces of paper and drop them into a Valentine bag to be drawn during the game.
  • Have the children go around and ask their classmates to sign a space on their card and name something they love or love to do.
  • The child should also sign his own card.  Smaller in attendance classes can sign more than once.  When all the cards are completed, ask the children to sit down at their tables.
  • Play by drawing a name out of the bag. Play regular BINGO or blackout. If the children really like the game, then play “Postage Stamp” any 2×2 square (4 names) on the board, etc.
  • Provide prizes of Valentine treats.

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